![]() After enrolling my beautiful daughter in daycare, she often got the sniffles. I would take her to her pediatrician (more due to family members nagging me) and he would say she had an ear infection and prescribe her antibiotics. Being a chiropractor, that is almost a deadly sin, however everything thing has its place, even medications. Even though, most of the time I did not give her the antibiotics, many parents are not as aware that most times, the sniffles and infections are not caused due to the lack of antibiotics in their child's bodies but are caused due to the inability for the middle ear to drain into the throat. Chiropractors remove nervous interference from the body by realigning the spine and removing pressure from the nerves. In children, misalignment of the vertebrae are common due to birthing process and the yanking of their little necks by obstetricians (watch a birthing video, you'll be shocked!). In the upper neck are the nerves that control the ear and allow it to properly drain fluids from it. By a simple adjustment, your child can enjoy a better time dealing with ear infections or preventing them in this case. One of the most respected pediatricians in the US, Dr. Sears (askDrSears.com) recommends chiropractic care for both treatment and prevention of ear infections. My personal experience with my daughter and chiropractic has been fabulous! She does not get sick anymore and is living a medication free lifestyle. Drugs inhibit the nervous system, the system that controls all bodily functions, including the function of the body being able to heal itself. Many parents entrust their little angels to my hands. That is a great feeling! We've had success with numerous conditions in our office. Asthma, ear infections, torticollis, knee and hip pains. Don't poison your child, with medications, please for their sake, give chiropractic care a try!
![]() In late March, I went to Port au Prince, Haiti on a mission/voluntary trip in order to help some of the children there. What I didn't realize was that the one who was helped was me! It's no secret that Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the Americas, however it is a secret of how people with such "little" material possessions can have such "big" emotional fulfillment! Port au Prince was very hot and you could still see some of the remnants of the 2010 earthquake. There are some of the "tent cities" still up, but these people are resilient They do not give up! I brought over 150 lbs of dental products to be distributed among three schools, however sadly enough I only had enough for two. (Thanks for all those of you who contributed, God will repay you!) I also brought some chocolate and granola bars for them. Let me tell you, I felt like I was Santa Claus in March. Each smile I received from the little ones fueled my desire to help others, even though the one who got the most joy was me! I talked to some of the people there, they were always smiling! Some of those people had not eaten in a few days but they still seemed to have good spirit and hope. On a beautiful Saturday afternoon, in the middle of a city park, you could see thousands (really!) of people gathered as families enjoying each other. Boys were playing soccer. Some kids selling water and snacks. But it seemed that all of them were happy with what they had. Now, every time I feel like complaining about what I don't have, I contemplate on what I do have! If you feel sad or depressed, you should try helping others, especially the kids in need. A trip to Haiti from South Florida is only 2 hours and no more than $400. Remember, health includes balancing your physical, social, and emotional state. If you would like to help or donate, contact us! ![]() One of the most interesting subjects about lifestyle is nutrition. In my opinion, it is the most important and influential aspect of our health that we can control. Genetics is passed down from our family generations but nutrition is even able to change that. I am often asked what I think of vitamin supplements. My first reply is always that they are there to supplement the deficits in your diet. However, I've yet to meet a person who covers all their bases with foods alone. Even if they did try, (believe me, it's not easy), the problem is that the quality of food products is not adequate. The lands are over farmed, crops that produced once a year, now produce 3 to 4 times per year. The earth is depleted of minerals, which are important components of the crops. Also, unfortunately, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) are produce that were developed in a lab, even though they combat the bugs and weather that used to destroy crops, they diminish the quality of our foods.(Think of GMOs as siblings having children). Pesticides are saving the crops at the expense of our health. So bottom line, the quality of our produce is not good enough to complete our needs! Is organic better? Absolutely! If you have the choice to feed your family a little pesticide or a lot, which one will you choose? Should I still supplement even if I consume organic fruits. I think yeah. Organic lands can still be over farmed, it is expensive, and you still have to eat it to get the benefits. In my clinic, I make supplement recommendations based on lifestyle, symptoms, and health history. There are many supplements that are proven to reduce inflammation, pain, arthritis, blood pressure, depression, migraines, muscle spasm, erectile dysfunction, and other ailments without virtually any side effects. There also many that increase athletic performance, mental clarity, vision, and many other benefits. Which ones should I buy? Are supplements regulated for quality control? No. Why not? Since most supplements can be found in nature, the pharmaceutical companies cannot put a patent on it, so there is no money to be made having quality control on supplements. So, how do I know of a good one? Can't I just pick it up at my local grocery store or the supercenter (you know which one I'm talking about), or even better the wholesale center? Well, yes but do you know what the company that produces the supplement is like? Many times, supplements produced by great companies cost just as much as the ones that are distributed in the local market. Remember, there have been reports of a supplement not having any of the ingredients they claim to have in the first place. So the cheap, is really expensive, since your getting nothing in the end. Please choose your supplements wisely and live a better life! For a nutritional consultation you can contact my office! As always, please check with your Doctor of Chiropractic before doing any of these exercises!!!! 80% of Americans suffer from back pain. This is not a great statistic. Most likely you at some point in your life will suffer from back problems. That is when chiropractic comes in..... well, not really. If you are a gambler or a statistician, you play odds! If you know you are likely to suffer with back pain at some point of your life, why not play the odds and have you spine checked by a corrective care chiropractor to make sure your spine is straight and strong. Basing your health on symptoms is very dangerous! This first symptom of a heart attack may be chest pain. Well, it is obvious that the coronary arteries were clogged way before you had the chest pain. Chiropractors, just like dentists, work on bone and realigning them. Your spine is way more important than your teeth, it houses your spinal cord which is part of the Central Nervous System. The CNS is the "master" system that controls your whole entire body. So having spinal hygiene and frequent spinal check ups is just as important as having straight and clean teeth! If there is a misalignment (called subluxation), you put your whole well-being at risk. Spinal misalignment or subluxation causes the spinal nerves to be pinched and interrupts the communication between brain and target cell. So just as people have to wear braces given by orthodontists to straighten teeth, chiropractors use spine adjustments and exercises to straighten and stabilize the spine. It is a process that takes time, just as braces do. Sometimes one to two years! Stopping the treatment due to no pain is not a smart way to go about neither. What would happen if you removed your braces too early? That's right, your teeth would go back to its crooked ways! (LOL) Also, not coming in for maintenance care afterwards is like not wearing the retainer after your braces are removed. So be smart, and have a chiropractic check up today!!!! We are located in Lighthouse Point, FL. Our number is Wobble BoardMid-back StretchBird-dog |
AuthorMarcelo Yasuda, DC is a Chiropractic Physician in Lighthouse Point, FL. Archives
August 2014