ChiropracticChiropractic was founded in 1895 by D.D. Palmer. It is a system of healthcare that does not use surgery or drugs to restore health. Chiropractic Physicians use consultation, examination, diagnostic imaging, and differential diagnosis to treat their patients. Their primary concern is the spinal column and how biomechanical disrelationships cause nervous irritation and reduces overall health. This is called a Vertebral Subluxation Complex, or just subluxation.
SubluxationSubluxations occur when there is biomechanical issues that cause the nerves to send the wrong information between the brain and the target cells (organs). When there is misalignment of a vertebra, it could lead to interference (pinching) of a nerve causing it to misfire and sending the wrong signal to the cell. Depending where this occurs, it can cause pain, inflammation, muscle spasm, decreased flexibility, bone spurring (arthritis), and radiating pain. For instance, if it happens in the lower cervical spine (neck), it can cause shooting pain down the arm with numbness and tingling, tight muscles around the lower neck and shoulder blades, decreased ability to turn the neck, and pain.
Subluxations can be demonstrated with a water hose example. The water hose is a nerve, the water is the electrical impulse that the brain transmits. When someone steps on the hose, the pressure of water changes, it can increase or decrease. The same happens when a vertebra is misaligned, the nerve impulse can either increase or decrease the response to the pinched nerve. Modern Chiropractic We are trained in treating the whole body. We assess posture, ergonomics, nutrition, and bio-mechanical disturbances. We use physiotherapy, massage therapy, manual therapy, exercising, nutrition, taping/strapping, bracing, neuromuscular re-education, traction, diagnostic imaging (radiographs, MRI, CT-scan, ultrasound) to treat most musculoskeletal conditions. |